澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 offers a three-year, 60-credit-hour program in School Psychology that prepares graduates to work in schools helping students succeed academically, 社会, 和情感上. 

Licensed Specialists in School Psychology (LSSPs) are responsible for collaborating with educators, 父母, and other professionals to create safe, 健康的, and supportive learning communities for all students. The 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 School Psychology Program addresses knowledge, 技能, and experiences in the areas of student evaluation, 干预, 和咨询. Consultation and collaboration with 父母 and teachers is also an important focus of the program. Graduates are prepared to collect and compile data to assist in educational decisions at multiple levels from individual student to the larger class and school environments.

The third-year internship (6 credit hours) consists of a minimum of 1200 clock-hour placement in a school setting. This full-time paid experience occurs over two consecutive semesters (Fall and Spring) and provides interns with opportunities for supervised work in assessment, 咨询, 咨询, 以及项目评估.

Upon completing the 60-credit hour program, students are eligible for national certification by NASP. The 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 program meets the certification and licensure requirements by states that have adopted NASP standards such as Texas.



进程ID 科目名称
epsy - 5379  Psychological Assessment: Cognitive and Academic II 
epsy - 5380 Biosocial Basis of Behavior and Emotion 
epsy - 5381 人类发展与学习 
epsy - 5382 Psychological Assessment: Cognitive and Academic I 
epsy - 5384  Behavior Management and Special 教育 
epsy - 5385  研究 Methods I—Advanced Statistics 
epsy - 5386  Psychological Assessment: Emotions and Personality 
epsy - 5187  Emotional/Personality Assessment Lab 
epsy - 5388  Neuropsychological Assessment and Remediation 
epsy - 5389  咨询理论与方法 
epsy - 6380  咨询理论与方法 
epsy - 6381  研究 Methods II: Design and Application 
epsy - 6382  团体及家庭干预措施 
epsy - 6185  发育评估实验室 
epsy - 6385  Developmental Assessment: Infants and Young Children 
epsy - 6386  Supervised Practicum—School Psychology 
epsy - 6388  法律及道德问题 
epsy - 6183  干预实验室 
epsy - 6384  学校心理实践 
epsy - 5390  教育al Administration and Organization 
epsy - 7380 School Psychology Internship: Part I 
epsy - 7381  School Psychology Internship: Part II
epsy - 6389  (Optional Elective) Psychological Assessment II: Emotions and Personality Advanced 


Applicants to the School Psychology Program are expected to have the following:

  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. An undergraduate major of psychology or education is preferred, although the program welcomes applications from candidates with other majors.
  • 平均绩点3分.0 for the last 60 credit hours taken. 平均绩点低于3分的学生.0 are eligible for provisional admission.
  • Strong academic and professional references (three required).

Aptitude test scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). As of 2021, the GRE is not required for admission. Candidates may submit scores to strengthen their application.

Applicants must complete an on-line application, 提交所需材料, and participate in an interview (either on campus or by telephone if out of state) by February 1st for admission to the class beginning in August.


根据19 TAC 228.35(a)(5), the Department of 教育 at 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 evaluates, 可能会接受, 服兵役, 培训, or education toward fulfillment of program prerequisite admission requirements. 服兵役, 培训, or education must be directly related to the certificate being sought and may not take the place of certification examinations. To be eligible, individuals must meet one or both of the following requirements:

  • 光荣地从美国退伍.S. 军事,或
  • Completed a minimum of two years of service in the U.S. military and have been discharged as a result of a service-related disability.

Applicants should include a Joint 服务s Transcript or other verifiable documentation of 服兵役, 培训, or education with their application to graduate study.

Applicants who are not 服兵役 members or military veterans can request the Department of 教育 to evaluate previous service, 培训, or education toward fulfillment of program prerequisite admission requirements. 服务, 培训, or education may not count as part of internship, 临床教学, 或者实习要求, must be directly related to the certificate being sought, and must be provided by an approved EPP or accredited institution of higher education within the past five years. Applicants should include official transcripts or other verifiable documentation with their application to graduate study.

For more information, contact the Department of 教育 at education@158idc.net or (210) 999-7501.



  安吉拉·布莱登斯坦,艾德.D. (椅子)







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